The lesson continues the study from 1 Peter: Foreigners and Aliens.
In 1 Peter 2:13, the apostle writes, “For the Lord’s sake accept the authority of every human institution, whether of the emperor as supreme.” We are aliens and strangers in this world, and Peter is saying, accept the authority of every human institution.
In this translation, the words “accept the authority” mean “submit to” authority in every human institution. This includes government. Because early Christians were seen as revolutionaries and anti-Caesar, the persecution of Christians was in full warp speed. Peter is saying, “act differently than they expect you to act” – be responsible citizens who submit to government authority. Make a positive impression, and if it all seems unfair and persecution is high, well, just remember – we are strangers and aliens here. But, remember, our goal is crystal clear – to see people come to the saving grace of Jesus. Nothing else.
This is serious business, but it is so difficult for us to understand. We live in Earthly bodies and we live in an Earthly culture, and yet as believers we are called to step back and realize that we are separated from this world. Complicated, ain't it? Peter is saying that as aliens, we must respect all the authority of this world. As we respect authority rather than fight it, some will say, 'Why are you like that? Why do you take it?' And, this gives us opportunity - as believers - to show we are different. And, in that different attitude, the Lord will convict some to be like us and follow Jesus.
Easier said than done. I know. Believe me.
And, this submission to authority goes beyond government. "Every authority" would include the authority of marriage Paul writes about in Ephesians 5. It includes parents and children, employers and employees, and church leaders and church members. Peter writes that through our submission we glorify the Lord, follow the example of Jesus' submission to God's plan for Him, and our actions reflect our ultimate submission to God and His authority through Scripture.
It goes even deeper. Sorry.
As God created each person, a certain amount of God’s authority is in each person. Therefore, we should submit to the authority of every person because God is that person's creator. We should put everyone ahead of self, showing respect for friends and enemies alike, speaking unkind of no one, loving everyone, looking to the goodness of God that is in everyone even if it’s just a tiny flicker. You and I are called to follow Jesus, and that doing that means we value nothing, but yet we value everyone. We can use this thinking as a litmus test to how closely we are following Jesus or if we are following Jesus at all.
I know some of you are still caught back there when I wrote about submitting to government. So, let's pause for another minute. Most people that I know are more loyal to the red, white and blue than they are to our Lord and Savior. Most of the people that I know will fight you to the death for slandering our country, but wilt in the presence of those who will slander our Lord. That's a problem. That should tell you where you are with the Lord's calling on your life.
But, let me clarify something for you. In Acts 5:29, Peter addresses the high priest and says, "We must obey God rather than any human authority.” This sounds contradictory to his words in 1 Peter when he says we must submit to all human authority. In fact, Scripture has several verses in the Old and New testament where God approved of disobedience to human authorities. But, in those cases, the government had directly called upon God’s people to sin against God by choosing the world over worship. Are we there right now? No. No one has said to me, "Scott, bow down to Washington as your God, and reject God as the sovereign authority of your life." That's not happened. Are we headed there? I don't know, maybe, but here's what I do know - God calls me, as a follower of Jesus, to make disciples and not fret about Washington. I can't do the due diligence to both because I don't have enough energy. If I focus on the latter, the former will suffer. In day-to-day living, you and I should love our country and submit to its authority both as citizens and believers. If the day ever comes when government tells us to replace our worship of God with our worship of Washington, we must be prepared to die on that day for God.
All of this gets to this one reality: Lost, hurting and unchurched people are watching you and me. They want to know there is hope, joy, peace and love. They want to know that what we believe is real to us, and that we live like we believe it. The world has beaten them down, and turned them upside down. Even with full bank accounts and loving families, they are miserable. And, they don’t understand why. But, they are looking for hope.
As you and I live in this world, submitting to authority – sometimes even unjust authority, and we do good for people despite being treated poorly, we send a message. We send a message that our lives are different. We send a message that we walk to the beat of a different drummer. We send the message that our eyes are fixed on a prize not of planet Earth. We send the message that we don’t own anything – that God owns all that we have, and all that we have is for no purpose but to honor Him.
And, through that kind of thinking we bring glory to our Savior – the one who died and was resurrected for each man, woman, boy and girl on this planet. And, people notice us and they wonder, “How can I live with that kind of peace?” Our lives will speak loudly, and some will hear the Holy Spirit whisper to them and respond. Others will ask us, “How can I have the peace that you have?” And, I pray you can talk to them about Jesus, or lead them and sit with them while someone else does.
People are watching. We must live like we are missionaries walking each day in a foreign land, submitting to the land's authority and walking with a hunger to do good for people so that many will be saved.
Don’t waste your life following the crowd of this Earth. You were born and called out to be a light in this world, but submitting to it so that all could see you worship a risen Savior.
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