Don’t put off loving others. Don’t put it off – not for one single minute; not for one single second. Tell your spouse how much you love her, right now. Send a text or an e-mail or make a call for no apparent reason except because you love her. Tell your children how much you love them – look them in the eyes, and tell them. Don’t say, “I love you . . . but I wish you’d clean your room.” No buts. No conditions. Just, “I love you.” Do it right now. Do it today. If you put it off, if you wait until the “right time,” chances are you’ll forget about it or discount it or it won’t have the same impact. No, do it right now. *Love is an Urgent Requirement.* You can also express your love through random acts of kindness or through encouragement of someone’s effort. Start with those in your household, and see how far you can reach God’s love into the stranger pool. (Romans 13:11 – This (love) is all the more important, for you know how late it is; time is running out.) In one sense, time is running out. You and I never know when this moment might be the last moment that we have to share love with others. But, in this v. 11, Paul is saying, “Time is running out because Jesus is returning and we want Him to find us morally prepared, spiritually alert, and diligently serving. (From NLT commentary).
Why all this high-pressure focus on love? Because, as you and I know, all long and healthy relationships are built on love. Love opens the door for us to talk about our faith and help people come to Jesus as Savior. The more we love and serve the closer we draw to Jesus, and the closer we help others draw to Him, too.